Welcome To Digital Sumo

Welcome to the first official post on the Digital Sumo blog.

My name is Gauher Chaudhry and I’ve been an online entrepreneur for over 20 years now.

During this time, I’ve built multiple, million dollar online companies.

The aim of this blog is for my team and I to share our experiences with regards to marketing online.

Specifically about traffic and conversions.

Building an online business comes down to basically three vital parts.

1. A Good Offer

2. Quality Traffic

3. Optimized Conversion Funnel

You get these three parts right, and you have a viable and sustainable business.

There is a lot of information online and you can get easily overwhelmed, which leads to inaction.

Although tactics and hacks can lead to better conversions, the most important thing to remember is having an overall strategy.

Stick with this blog as we break down the golden nuggets of online marketing. This will help you build a viable business, which in turn, leads to a freedom lifestyle.

I welcome your comments.


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